This document is to help developers understand how to test CAPC.

Code Origin

The most of the code under test/e2e is from CAPD (Cluster API for Docker) e2e testing ( The ACS specific things are under test/e2e/config and test/e2e/data/infrastructure-cloudstack.


This section describes how to run end-to-end (e2e) testing with CAPC.


  • Admin access to a Apache CloudStack (ACS) server
  • The testing must occur on a host that can access the ACS server
  • Docker (download)
  • Kind (download)

Environment variables

The first step to running the e2e tests is setting up the required environment variables:

Environment variableDescriptionDefault Value
CLOUDSTACK_ZONE_NAMEThe zone namezone1
CLOUDSTACK_NETWORK_NAMEThe network name. If not exisiting an isolated network with the name is created.Shared1
CLUSTER_ENDPOINT_IPThe cluster endpoint IP172.16.2.199
CLUSTER_ENDPOINT_PORTThe cluster endpoint port6443
CLUSTER_ENDPOINT_IP_2The cluster endpoint IP for a second cluster172.16.2.199
CLUSTER_ENDPOINT_PORT_2The cluster endpoint port for a second cluster6444
CLOUDSTACK_CONTROL_PLANE_MACHINE_OFFERINGThe machine offering for the control plane VM instancesLarge Instance
CLOUDSTACK_WORKER_MACHINE_OFFERINGThe machine offering for the worker node VM instancesMedium Instance
CLOUDSTACK_TEMPLATE_NAMEThe machine template for both control plane and worke node VM instanceskube-v1.20.10/ubuntu-2004
CLOUDSTACK_SSH_KEY_NAMEThe name of SSH key added to the VM instancesCAPCKeyPair6

You also have to export CLOUDSTACK_B64ENCODED_SECRET environment variable using this command export CLOUDSTACK_B64ENCODED_SECRET=$(base64 -i cloud-config) after creating cloud-config file with the following format.

api-key    = XXXXX
secret-key = XXXXX
api-url    =
verify-ssl = true or false

The api-key and secret-key can be found or generated at Home > Accounts > admin > Users > admin of the ACS management UI. verify-ssl is an optional flag and its default value is true. CAPC skips verifying the host SSL certificates when the flag is set to false.

Running the e2e tests

Run the following command to execute the CAPC e2e tests:

make run-e2e

This command runs all e2e test cases.

You can specify JOB environment variable which value is a regular expression to select test cases to execute. For example,

JOB=PR-Blocking make run

This command runs the e2e tests that contains PR-Blocking in their spec names.